In order to obtain a garden plot, I had to join the local garden club, the Sun City West Agricultural Club. The very first member I met was Janette Gricol, who manages the plots (she gives each new gardener an in-depth orientation. Janette is uber-organized and has limitless patience and energy. But it is her friendliness that inspires me the most).
After our meeting, she and I hopped into her golf car for a tour of the entire club compound. She stopped to chat with every member who was toiling that hot July morning. I was introduced to them all (maybe 6 members) . . . so friendly and welcoming. I have learned from her that socialization is just as important as gardening. By following her good example, I have been rewarded by getting to know all the terrific folks on my street ("Garlic Grove"). I now feel slighted if anyone drives by and doesn't at least wave.
Janette's husband, Jim, is just as golden. When I mentioned to Janette that I might be interested in caging the plot, she suggested that Jim help me construct it. When I demurred, she assured me that Jim enjoys helping other gardeners. She sure wasn't kidding. He has had a hand in building many, many cages or at the very least, contributing his plans for the construction of them. He even provides a list of supplies and suggestions for sources! Easy-going, knowledgeable and hard-working, Jim is a wonderful garden guru, as well. Not in five lifetimes could I have created, on my own, what he did for me in the course of a month, in 100 degrees + temps (in 4 hour, early morning sessions; about 16-18 hours, total).
Another Gricol appeal:
They grow okra and peanuts. That's exotic gardening to this Midwestern-raised gardener. Happy, happy gardener am I to have had such an auspicious start.
Pay it forward, girly . . .
I dig people with flower power, too. You know I am expecting time-lapse photography on your produce production. Wouldn't that be COOL as a cucumber?