What is that low, steady, munching sound? It's hundreds of Red Wiggler worms feasting on kitchen scraps and shredded toilet paper rolls! Inspired by sister-thrill-seeker Heidi http://bishopfamilybs.blogspot.com/2008/06/worms-eat-our-garbage.html I've gone in search of a worm bin in order to manufacture the richest compost producing system there is. According to Ellen Sandbeck's booklet Laverme's Handbook of Indoor Worm Composting, the final product, " . . . contains bacterial and fungal populations that are 100X higher than the populations found in average soil." The previous landowner for our garden was the Del Webb construction company. They used this site for storing the heavy equipment and materials used in building the community of Sun City West (population 30K). Needless to say, the land has had no bacterial and fungal populations since about 1977. Sandbeck points out that worm castings (the final product) is so rich in nutrients that it is extremely concentrated and can actually burn plants if used liberally; it is nature's most perfect fertilizer- plant growth factors and B vitamins are even produced in the worms' guts. Goodbye Miracle Gro!
Here's my strategy, so far:
In goes a handful of soil, sand, crushed egg shells, shredded junk mail, dryer lint and several cups of kitchen scraps
I avoid coffee grounds and citrus, which are too acidic; the color ink used for newsprint-colored ink is toxic; bread- the yeast is not easily digested; meat, fish, and processed foods; and litter box leavings.
In the few weeks that the bin has been in operation, I have witnessed a fast turnaround in the decomposition process and have even seen baby worms. I will collect my first handful of castings sometime next week.
Go Deb! Go worms! I actually read that coffee grounds are OK but I only put them in about once a week. I had to bring our worm farm into the garage since it has frosted here a few times. We have produced about 3 cubic feet of castings since the spring. Can't wait till next year to use them:) -Heidi